Things Involved With ADHD Testing Claremont

Does your child find it hard to focus? Do you worry about your child’s inability to pay attention? Or does your child find it hard to sit still? Determining if your child suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperacticity Disorder (ADHD) can be difficult considering the many other possibilities to explain such questions. For example many symptoms of ADHD overlap with generalized anxiety disorder and even learning disabilities. The American Psychiatric Association has detailed the symptoms of ADHD breaking them down into three categories:

  • Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type
  • Predominantly inattentive type
  • Combined (Hyperactive-Impulsive and Inattentive) type

In each of these categories, separate symptoms define three different ways ADHD manifests in children and adults. Psychological testing is an effective way to diagnose these symptoms and determine if you or your child suffers from ADHD. Here is a quick overview of ADHD testing and diagnosis.

ADHD Testing and Diagnosis

Psychologists at Verdant Oak Behavioral Health offer ADHD testing in Claremont that comprises of psychological assessments adept in discerning ADHD. Psychological assessment will require certain steps in order to accurately diagnose ADHD including:

  • An interview with you and your child
  • An ADHD behavior rating scale, (usually completed with the input of parents and teachers)
  • Educational and behavioral history of your child
  • Review of your child’s medical records

Furthermore, psychologists may recommend that your child’s physicians administer additional medical testing along with their psychological tests to rule out other possible medical diagnoses that may be a cause of behavior. Examples of such conditions include:

  • Thyroid disease
  • Seizures
  • Hearing & vision problems
  • Contact to lead
  • Anemia

Again psychologists at Verdant Oak Behavioral Health offerADHD testing in Claremont comprising of comprehensive testing and diagnosis. They can help you answer many questions like:

  • Does my child have a learning disability or ADHD?
  • What is causing my child to have behavioral issues?
  • Are my child’s attention problems due to medical issues?
  • Can I do anything to help my child focus better in school?

Contact Verdant Oak Behavioral Health for more information and for answers to questions like these.

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